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Website URL: http://www.gavick.com

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Le chanteur Alenko a fait appel à Wil Thirion pour réaliser le clip musical de sa chanson « Meme si tout s'en va » 

Alenko candidat romand à la finale suisse de l'Eurovision 2015.

Published in Director's cut

Voiceovers have long been a tool employed by filmmakers in order to bridge gaps in the narrative or to take us inside the head of a certain character. However, Malick uses the voiceover in ways unlike any other filmmaker out there. Almost never does he use the technique to provide exposition or to explicitly tell us how a character is feeling in any given moment.


Instead, Malick uses the voiceover in order to give voice to the internal struggles and existential dilemmas of his characters. However abstract these voiceovers may seem, they more often than not provide instant and recognizable access to the challenging philosophical themes and questions that his films ponder. And that's where Malick's use of voiceovers can be considered brilliant. He uses them to instantaneously transport viewers to the heart of his films, and to ask questions that otherwise might not have been asked.

Are you a fan of Malick and his use of voiceovers? What are some of your favorite uses of voiceover throughout cinema history? Let us know down in the comments!

Article by : http://nofilmschool.com/

Published in BLOG

It’s time to open up the digital audio workstation and look at the basics of common tools used in post production audio from Equalizers, Compressors, Noise Reduction, and Delay effects.


Published in BLOG
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